19 April 2006

11092 - Friends - ;D

Okay, I just got back from my trip to New York city, no the first time I've been there, but I'll tell you all that happened. First, it's a 2.5 hour drive to get from my hometown, Suffield, CT to New York. We left, my mom, dad and I, for the city at around 9a. On the way down we hit some trafic, so I plyed with my Pokémon Pikachu 2 GS, my DS with Pokémon Trozei, and my Pokémon Mini, yes there is such a thing....
... I slept on the ride home and my Pokémon Pikachu 2 GS said I took 11092 steps, counting the 1000 I took in the morning, I'll have the final number tonight on PPL. I put up all my stuff in my room and I am now blogging, and will niw go down stairs to watch the tube. What a day. Questions? Leave a comment, leave a tag, or Jirachi.Rob@gamil.com will also take you questions and give you more travel advice.


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