30 April 2006

102146 - Friends - ;D

I took 12294 steps today. After watching the Mastermind of who cares, we were sad. So to get our mind off that crap we wrote more letters to Pokémon and played out side, hence the alsmost as much step number as New York. Tomorrow I have school, I'm going to wear sandals tomorrow.

29 April 2006

89852 - Friends - ;D

I took 9091 steps today. That's all I'm going to tell you. Stay out of my bussiness.

28 April 2006

80761 - Friends - ;D

I took 5293 steps today. Pikachu is sleeping now, he had a busy day, going to Petco, Costco and some other places like Highland and Appt. 89. Pikachu tinks he's cool, and to tell you the truth, he is!

27 April 2006

75468 - Friends - ;D

I took 4260 steps today. Today was a bad day, this is getting annoying, but I played with Pikachu if I wasn't too depressed. I'll give him 999wats tomorrow because I have 3,000 in the bank.

26 April 2006

71208 - Friends - ;D

I took 3522 steps today. After having that terrible day yesterday, I had a good day today and Pikachu was there to make it even better.

25 April 2006


-1 Days (Monday)
4551 Step
Day: 10

-2 Days (Sunday)
2721 Step
Day: 10

-3 Days (Saturday)
8567 Step
Day: 10

-4 Days (Vacation Friday)
Day: 10

-5 Days (Vacation Thursday)
6386 Step
Day: 10

-6 Days (New York Trip Wednesday)
13924 Step
Day: 10

-7 Days (Vacation Tuesday)
9556 Step
Day: 10

67686 - Froends - ;D

I took 3792 steps today. I had a bad day at school today and Pikachu just cheered me right up.

24 April 2006

63894 - Friends - ;D

I took 4551 steps today. Pikachu seemed actually glag when I started walking aroung after school. I took more steps today, Monday, then I did Sunday (Note: I was tired and sad I had to go back to school Sunday).

23 April 2006

59343 - Friendws - ;D

I took 2721 steps today. Only becsause tohrough out the morning I either forgot about him or I was out side in the rain or on a treadmil (Note: Running or walking or shacking on any macine to get more watts or steps is cheating!). Also tomorrow I have my first day of school since I got him and I had to expilan to him and his pals, "K Pikachu, tomorrow morning I have school, where I go to learn, and it seems I can't bring you because I might loose you and I won't be able to pay attention to you. I have to leave while you are still sleeping, don't get up, I'll run back up here at precisley 2:47p, when I get home."

22 April 2006

56622 - Friends - ;D

I took 8567 steps today. I feel bad for Pikachu because I keep knocking him against stuff and the ©Nintendo '99 sticker has 3 niks on it. At least I didn't scratch him.

21 April 2006

48055 - Friends - ;D

Today I took 9974 steps. Pikachu also had a photo session. I put him on a piece of paper on the ground (Note: white works best to reflect light and turn off the auto-flash sensor.), then I stood up and zoomed in and took 3 pictures at a time (Note: you don't want to only take one picutre at a time because even if you have a tripod, you'll move the camera.). I'll have a flickr badge soon!

20 April 2006

38074 - Friends - ;D

I took 6379 steps today, I;m kind of surprised because I was sitting at the computer for 2 hrs. and In my room and on the couch, and I didn't take it to work out! Woa!

19 April 2006

Current Stats

Current Stats (Power On (A, Start), Clock (A), Right, Right...)

-1 Days

-2 Days

-3 Days

Days: 4

Progress: Behind Average (Okay, I get to enjoy him more!)

31694 - Friends - ;D

I went to NY today, New York city, and took 13941 steps. Yes I went to Nintendo World and gave Pikachu 999 watts, and Nintendo World is so over rated.

11092 - Friends - ;D

Okay, I just got back from my trip to New York city, no the first time I've been there, but I'll tell you all that happened. First, it's a 2.5 hour drive to get from my hometown, Suffield, CT to New York. We left, my mom, dad and I, for the city at around 9a. On the way down we hit some trafic, so I plyed with my Pokémon Pikachu 2 GS, my DS with Pokémon Trozei, and my Pokémon Mini, yes there is such a thing....
... I slept on the ride home and my Pokémon Pikachu 2 GS said I took 11092 steps, counting the 1000 I took in the morning, I'll have the final number tonight on PPL. I put up all my stuff in my room and I am now blogging, and will niw go down stairs to watch the tube. What a day. Questions? Leave a comment, leave a tag, or Jirachi.Rob@gamil.com will also take you questions and give you more travel advice.

18 April 2006

17752 - Friends - ;D

Today I took 9555 steps and had over 1000 watts! Great bay, Pikachu played a Pokémon SNES game and got scareed by an Ekans. He also ate lunch and dinner and brushed his teeth after taking a shower. Also he was skiining rolling, running and doing something with a stick. Silly Pikachu, I hope he never leaves.

10201 - Friends - ;)

This morning I gave Pikachu 999 watts and he did 4 back flips and we then became friends! When you press select, yo hear do do dot dot dotdo dot Pika Pika! - Pika - Pika! And instead of always looking to the side, he looks directly at you! I might make an audio post about it!

17 April 2006

Around 3000, then 0

To day I got a second Pokcet Pikachu. It was a Pocket Pikachu Color, the Japanese version. I walked with it for aroung 3000 steps, but seing how I already had one, I thought it would be best if I put the reset tab back in him and consentrated on one at a time. He was great, and after I get to 1,000,000, a sceduled 333 days to 250 days or even as little as 200 days. Then I'll start him up, I'll see him come again and we'll be friends againg, just like on April 17, 2006. One of the last things I did was give him 300 watts and progam the PokéRap on the alarm, we also went on a dog walk too. I can't wait to start him up again, get him off that shelf and walk around again. I love both my Pikachus, on and off. I feel kind of sad, I might not post to the news sites tonight.

16 April 2006

2715 - Playmates - :)

Right at this moment, Pikachu is sleeping on his back after a great Easter. He was surfing, listening to the radio, digging, hula-hooping, drinking, eating, cleaning, and walking.

228 - Playmates - :)

I just got My Pokémon Pikachu 2 and it's great! I love him, I'm gonna wlk areound all day, if he stops hula-hooping and listening to the radio.