04 February 2008

4928127 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 660

We took 9141 steps today.  Today was a horrible day at school, I think I will tell about it here.  Today during third period someone decided to take a permanent marker and draw a line down both sides of the freshman hall.  Funny, right?  At the end of fourth period one of our vice-principals came on the speaker and said how there are no secrets and whoever did it will be caught.  I was explaining to the people who didn't see it what happened.  They all thought it was funny.  Fifth period I have Spanish with Sra. "K" (let's just say), now this is my second year stuck with Sra. K for Spanish 2 and 3.  She knows that I am a shy person.  Outside in the hall I was explaining what had happened to one of my friends, I said, "I think it was hilarious."  Sra. K then called me in.
This is the good/bad part.  She then started screaming at me in-front of at least three-fourths of the class.  She was saying, in a summary, how I should go see the principal and explain why I think it is funny.  How my mother would think of what I think, that she would be mad.  That she ought to "write me up" (detention/suspension) etc.  I was holding back tears for the first couple minutes of class because it was a personal attack.  
I then went home and told my mom everything.  She was steaming.......at Sra. K!  She called my dad and he was mad.  We were going to call her, but just decided not to take action until she does, if she even does.  
What do you think?  Whose side are you on?
After all of that, I still think what happened today was funny!
I hope you enjoyed my story.


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