29 February 2008

5230239 Day 685

We took 26457 steps today. Wow! We took close to 30,000 steps today.
Epcot was really crowded tonight and we could not go on Test Track or
Soarin'. But I did have fun in the Japanese store tonight. We also saw
Kyle Massey (Cory Baxter) twice today. He is a lot shorter in person,
and no one was crowding around him or taking pictures. Tonoght was fun,
I foregot if I wanted to say anything else, because my stupid dad had to
interrupt me.
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Tonight we are going to Epcot for extra magic hours. We are eating at
the new Italian Restaraunt. I expect to be home around or after 11.
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This Afternoon

This afternoon we are going to The Hollywood Studios, then relaxing.
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28 February 2008

5203782 Day 684

We took 21018 steps today. I decided to do this post before I got ready
for bed, so I could go to bed directly after. The Blue Man Group was
fun, it was mainly the Boston show, but I still really enjoyed it!
Walking around Universal non-stop all day really took a toll on my
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We finished going to the two parks of Universal, now we are eating
dinner, and @ 8 we are seeing the Blue Man Group, then it will be a
night. Also, today, Pikachu and I went on Dueling Dragons and the Hulk
(twice). It was fun.
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Today we are eating lunch at Mythos, voted the best theme park
restaraunt 5 years running.
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Pikachu on Vacation

Pikachu listening to the radio on the balcony. I tried to get some palm
trees in, but it was too light in the background and dark in the
foreground. Universal today.
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27 February 2008

5182764 Day 683

We took 22187 steps today. Thoday was a nice day, like I said in the
precious post. Pikachu must really love all this walking. I've been
getting above 20,000 lately, last year that only happened, I think,
twice in Florida and once at home.
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Tonight Animal Kingdom had extra magic hours, so I had some dinner, a
frozen banana (the best), went on Expedition Everest twice, Dinosaur,
and It's Tough to be a Bug. Then that was it. IT HAS BEEN SO COLD
TODAY, and windy. I didn't bring any jeans or shoes, oh well, tomorrow
we are going to Universal for the day.
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26 February 2008

5160577 Day 682

We took 21758 steps today. I am doing this post before I get ready for
bed so I can post it today. We had an <i>okay</i> time at p&p night.
Also, did I mention today that they sung Happy Birthday to me at Teppon
Edo. It was great.
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Tonight we might go to Chef Mickey's, then Pirates and Princesses, if it
diesn't thunder.
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Today's Plan

Today's plan is to go to Epcot, then eat lunch at the Japanese hibatchi
restaraunt. Then we will go back to our room, swim and relax. We could
then go to Chef Mickey's and the Magic Kingdom, but that is still being
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25 February 2008

5138819 - Day 681

We took 12428 steps today. I probably took more bacause of two
1. We went to Typhoon Lagoon until 5 and I did not have him from 11 to
2. I wore those shorts that messes up my step count. I also did not
want him to fall out on the coasters so I put him in my zipped pouch
Tomorrow is Epcot, then Magic Kingdom at night, late.
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I forgot to post that tonight there is Extra Magic Hours in the
Hollywood Studios, so I just might be out until midnight again. I am
waithing in line right now for the Rock 'n Rollercoaster. It is a 20
minute wait so I decided to blog. It was kind of crowded tonight, we
couldn't get into ANY restaurants. After this I am just doing some
stores then a boat ride home. See ya then!
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5126391 Best Pals Day 680

We took 21727 steps yesterday. We ended up staying the whole time until
after 11. Tomorrow we are going the breakfast, then we are going to a
water park. Today at Chef Mickey's I had a birthday cupcake, because my
mom told them. It was fun.
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24 February 2008


Tonight's post will not be until probably midnight. The reason is that
I will be at the Magic Kingdom until probably 11 because of the extra
magic hours. We are also going the Chef Mickey's (my second favorite
after the Japanese ones)!
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23 February 2008

5104664 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 679

We took 16651 steps today. Today we went to Epcot and ate in the
Japanese restaraunt. That is now my favorite place to eat. I did not
even care that everything was fried. We then shopped at Japan and
walked around, saw a show and relaxed in our hotel room. We were too
tired to see Illuminations. See ya tomorrow. Sorry for any
misspellingz too!
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We are now in Disney. I think I might also use this as a LITE travel
blog too.
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22 February 2008


This test makes sure that I can now use my phone on vacation to post
here. Great! No outages like last year!
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This is a test.
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5088013 - Best Pals - ;D -Day 678

We took 11837 steps today.  Today was my birthday.  I got Pokémon season 3+4 on DVD.  I also got a ton of hamster stuff.

21 February 2008

5076176 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 677

We took 7811 steps today.  Tomorrow is my BIRTHDAY!

20 February 2008

5068365 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 676

We took 9651 steps today.  Tonight was a lunar eclipse.

19 February 2008

5058714 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 675

We took 10107 steps today.  Today we went to the mall.

18 February 2008

5048607 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 674

We took 7099 steps today.  Today was a nice and relaxing day.

17 February 2008

5041508 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 673

We took 9801 steps today.   Today was a busy day for us.  We went to Costco to get all our old pictures developed, then I cleaned our room (our room is normally clean, we just had a few things lying around), then I finished all my makeup work for when we are is Florida!  I went to the gym after doing some other things around the house.  I did my laundry while burning some heavenly vanilla incense, ate dinner, watched Big Brother, not we're here.  Blogging.  That was our day.  (Also my face swelled up like a balloon after getting a little better this afternoon.)

16 February 2008

5031707 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 672

We took 13311 steps today.  My mouth was still sore today, but I did go to Sam's Club, with my face all swollen, so I looked ridiculous, because it is uneven too!

15 February 2008

5018396 - Best Pals - ;D -Day 671

We took 5310 steps today  Today was the day I got my wisdom teeth extracted. The operation wasn't so bad, but now I'm swelling a bleeding.  Yea!  Today was just a recovery day.

14 February 2008

5013086 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 670

We took 7957 steps today.  Tomorrow I do not have school, because I am getting my wisdom teeth out.  Horray! (Not really)

13 February 2008

5005129 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 669

We took 8844 steps today.  Today was a snow day.  Big Brother was all right.  I didn't like the couple that went home, so that was good.  I still think Big Brother is best played singular, though.
Wow!  FIVE MILLION STEPS!  I can't believe Pikachu has lasted this long!  Hopefully we will get to 6 million!

12 February 2008

4996285 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 669

We took 8779 steps today.  BIG BROTHER 9!

11 February 2008

4987506 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 667

We took 9050 steps today.

10 February 2008

4978456 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 666

We took 7835 steps today.  There was some bursts of snow today.  This week is a four day week for me.  Then I won't have school until March 3!

09 February 2008

4970621 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 665

We took 10284 steps today.  Today I finished my Biology Project, and I made a ton of origami!  Here is the best site for it.  About 3 more days until 5 MILLION!  

08 February 2008

4960337 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 664

We took 9554 steps today.  My family is full of idiots.  U have to get my wisdom teeth removed next week.

07 February 2008

4950783 -Best Pals - ;D - Day 663

We took 8100 steps today.  I can not wait for the weekend.

06 February 2008

4942683 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 662

We took 7525 steps today.  Today we made baked Nutella.  I got High Honor Roll in school.

05 February 2008

Pocket Pikachu Log β

Please try the new Pocket Pikachu Log β

4935158 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 661

We took 7031 steps today.  Today it rained all day.  I had Nutella, I forgot how good it was!

04 February 2008

4928127 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 660

We took 9141 steps today.  Today was a horrible day at school, I think I will tell about it here.  Today during third period someone decided to take a permanent marker and draw a line down both sides of the freshman hall.  Funny, right?  At the end of fourth period one of our vice-principals came on the speaker and said how there are no secrets and whoever did it will be caught.  I was explaining to the people who didn't see it what happened.  They all thought it was funny.  Fifth period I have Spanish with Sra. "K" (let's just say), now this is my second year stuck with Sra. K for Spanish 2 and 3.  She knows that I am a shy person.  Outside in the hall I was explaining what had happened to one of my friends, I said, "I think it was hilarious."  Sra. K then called me in.
This is the good/bad part.  She then started screaming at me in-front of at least three-fourths of the class.  She was saying, in a summary, how I should go see the principal and explain why I think it is funny.  How my mother would think of what I think, that she would be mad.  That she ought to "write me up" (detention/suspension) etc.  I was holding back tears for the first couple minutes of class because it was a personal attack.  
I then went home and told my mom everything.  She was steaming.......at Sra. K!  She called my dad and he was mad.  We were going to call her, but just decided not to take action until she does, if she even does.  
What do you think?  Whose side are you on?
After all of that, I still think what happened today was funny!
I hope you enjoyed my story.

03 February 2008

4918986 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 659

We took 12409 steps today.  I obviously do not like football.

02 February 2008

4906577 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 658

We took 11858 steps today.  Today was cool.

01 February 2008

4894679 n- Best Pals - ;D - Day 657

We took 10318 steps today.  Well, I hope you all got your Pokémon fix, because that will be the last for a while!