23 March 2007

1753393 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 342

We took 6974 steps today. Let's see. Today Pikachu went to a full day of school with me! It was fun, but it didn't really add to the step count. The only major down side was I was so paranoid about loosing him, just like when I first got him.
We just got done watching Pokémon Ranger: Prince of the Sea. It was nice, but I didn't really pay attention, I just was on my laptop. When the full DVD comes out is when I'll actually watch the WHOLE thing. DID YOU NOTICE HOW LONG IT WAS!? The ending was cool too when they all got super powers. Pikachu was mad he didn't get any and felt he was cheated out of the starring role. I just told him to shut up and watch the movie. He complained about the picture quality after that.


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