31 March 2007

1810072 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 350

We took 6062 steps today. Nothing is new, today we went to Yankee Candle.

30 March 2007

1804710 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 349

We took 6363 steps today. Pikachu went to school this whole week!

29 March 2007

1798347 - Best Pals - ;D- Day 348

We took 8042 steps today.

28 March 2007

1790305 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 347

We took 6976 steps today.

27 March 2007

1783329 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 346

We took 7094 steps today. Nothing new.

26 March 2007

1776235 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 345

We took 8102 steps today. I;m bringing PP to school for now on. He watched TV all day.

25 March 2007

1768133 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 344

We took 8366 steps today. Nothing new today.

24 March 2007

1759767 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 343

We took 6374 steps today. Nothing new happened today with Pikachu, but, I did update the site, ya like, I still need to make it easier to read, next week.

23 March 2007

1753393 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 342

We took 6974 steps today. Let's see. Today Pikachu went to a full day of school with me! It was fun, but it didn't really add to the step count. The only major down side was I was so paranoid about loosing him, just like when I first got him.
We just got done watching Pokémon Ranger: Prince of the Sea. It was nice, but I didn't really pay attention, I just was on my laptop. When the full DVD comes out is when I'll actually watch the WHOLE thing. DID YOU NOTICE HOW LONG IT WAS!? The ending was cool too when they all got super powers. Pikachu was mad he didn't get any and felt he was cheated out of the starring role. I just told him to shut up and watch the movie. He complained about the picture quality after that.

I totally foregot!

I totally foregot that today they were airing the new movie on Cartoon Newtork, so I had other plans and now I'm just starting to watch it. Post at 'cha l8r!
The image “http://www.pokebeach.com/news/0706/phantom.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

22 March 2007

1746419 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 341

We took 2830 steps today.

21 March 2007

1743589 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 340

We took 2942 steps today. The new Pokémon movie airs this Friday on the Cartoon Network, Pikachu and I can't wait!

20 March 2007

1740647 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 339

We took 3905 steps today. Today was a fun day at school, I wish Pikachu was there, DS was, but I was thinking about it this morning and just decided that I might bring him Friday.

19 March 2007

1736742 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 338

We took 3402 steps today. Today was a fun day. After school we fooled around and played Pokémon Blue on a GameBoy Pocket. Then later we were bored so we took that GameBoy Pocket apart and cleaned the inside because there was gunk in the D-pad. There was no damage to it at all, except the contrast switch is irratic, so I hope you like your games black or white! Later we just watched TV.

18 March 2007

1733340 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 337

We took 10969 steps today. Today we played together a lot. We played a lot this weekend. We had a lot of fun!

17 March 2007

1722371 - Best Pals - ;D- Day 336

We took 12538 steps today. Today was a nice day. Pikachu and I baked, ate corned beef, what we made. We also played in the snow a lot. Today was a nice day!

16 March 2007

1709833 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 335

We took 6467 steps today. Today, Pikachu and I played together a lot!

15 March 2007

1703366 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 334

We took 3017 steps today. Snow is in the forecast! CRAP

14 March 2007

1700349 - Best Pals - ;D - day 333

We took 3554 steps today. Nothing new, this morning we overslept! Oh no!

13 March 2007

1696795 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 332

We took 2638 steps today.

12 March 2007

1694157 - Best Pals - ;D - day 331

We took 2439 steps today. Nothing much.

11 March 2007

1691718 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 330

We took 5582 steps today.

10 March 2007

1686136 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 329

We took 5433 steps today. We just got done watching the sixth sence.

09 March 2007


ATTENTION! Jirachi!+Rob.bLOG (Free) (jirachirob.net), JRBnET's paid blog has moved to here, http://jirachirobfree.blogspot.com, due to issues with our host. Our host Elixant is closing, Sunday (way to procrastinate Rob!) after many years of serving people. Please update your bookmarks by, of preferably before Sunday, March 11, 2007.

1680703 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 328

We took 3947 steps today. We HATE March.

08 March 2007

1676756 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 327

We took 2063 steps today. We're sick of school!

07 March 2007

1674693 - Best Pals - ;D - DAy 326

We took 2392 steps today. WE HATE SCHOOL

06 March 2007

1672301 - Best Pals - ;D- Day 325

We took 3466 steps today. Huh, make-up work, I hate it. CAPTs suck too. I played with Pikachu a little but I noticed the (B) button sticks a little.

05 March 2007

1668835 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 324

We took 2183 steps today. Sorry busy busy!

04 March 2007

1666652 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 323

We took 8264 steps today. Today was just a travel day. We had breakfast at Cape May, but I don't like being back in cold CT. I hate it, school, routines, YUCK. Then again, you'd eventually get sick od Disney and it's nice to be home. Still, I rather be in Florida. I checked on Pikachu a lot today and he was just foolin' around.

03 March 2007

1658388 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 322

We took 21165-1550 steps today. Left you with a little math. Today we went to Animal Kingdom, MGM, and Epcot! Last day. :(

02 March 2007

1638771 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 321

We took 13631 steps today. Today we went to Blizzard Beach and the Magic Kingdom's Pirates and Princess party.

01 March 2007

1625140 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 320

We took 17279 steps today. Today we went to the Magic Kingdom and a Baseball game.