04 November 2006

1000536 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 203

I took 7382 steps today. Well, we all know now that Pikachu and I made it past one million steps! Since my unit is a Pokémon Pikachu 2 GS and not the first one, Pikachu sticks around until 9,999,999 steps. Of course, I didn't know this until after. Most of the day I wasn't trying to walk because I was afraid of Pikachu leaving, but then I vacuumed the living room like every Saturday night. After I was done vacuming I looked at him and saw only 200 (less) steps until he leaves. So I quickly ran to my room with exactly 5 steps left. I turned on my laptop and was ready to post the teary-eyed mil' post. But after I shook him six times nothing happened ex ept it was temporairly stuck at one million. So, I turned him off then back on expecting the Congratulations!? and I got Pikachu smailing holding a sign that I think said, "Congratulation! You reached 1, 000, 000!" So I gave him a kiss and said goodbye. Then I turned him off and on again, and little to my surprise HE WAS STILL HERE! I was so happy and in a good mood. So I asked my parents of I could stay up late and watch the new Pokémon movie that I was saving for a special occasion, and this was sure one of them! -Rob


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