02 June 2006

263860 - Best Pals - ;D

I took 4359 steps today. Today was boring and bad. I'll talk about it all. I had a good morning and we had a Hobbit feast, I thought Pikachu would of really liked the chocolate fountain, can he have chocolate even? Then that took up lunch, the we were continuing building our bottle rockets. My launch team is the worst ever. They wouldn't let me do anything and punched a hole in it. I made up a lame excuse to tell my Algebra teacher to let me call home amd make my mom pick me up so I don't have to go to Health Ed. and Bus 15. I left a message because she was working from home but she never got it. She was pre-occupied with my half-sister's Jetta problem number 567. Then I thought Pikachu would come get me. I went to Costco after school, when I finally got home, and saw my Language Arts teacher & co. there. Then I played with Pikachu.


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