28 February 2007

1607860 - Best Pals - ;D - DAy 319

We took 19996 steps today. Today we went ot Universal Studios.

27 February 2007

1587864 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 318

We took 16072 steps today. Today we went to Disney-MGM Studios and Epcot! We've been having fun together!

26 February 2007

1568878 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 317

We took 26717 steps today. Today we went to the Magic Kingdom and the Animal Kingdom! Today we set a record!!!

25 February 2007

1545075 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 316

We took 20597 steps today. Today we went to Epcot and MGM. We set a record!

24 February 2007

1524478 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 315

We took 9985 steps today. Today we had a late flight and we just went to the Boardwalk.

23 February 2007

1514493 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 314

We took 9301 steps today. We had a lot of fun today. we are both nervous about flying though.

Please Note: From tomorrow (Saturday, February 24, 2007) to Saturday, March 3, 2007 please tune into Jirachi+Rob.bLOG for updates every other day. JRBnET's most inportant member, JirachiRob will be on vacation. I, JirachiRob, will have internet access almost every other day. When updates become available they will only be posted to Jirachi.Rob+bLOG when I have internet access.

Pocket Pikachu Log Readers Note: I will attempt to update daily, but when I can't some days will have previous days on them, all will be posted.

22 February 2007

1505192 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 313

We took 8135 steps today. Today was my birthday, we had sooo much fun together!

21 February 2007

1497057 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 312

We took 7778 steps today. Tomorrow is my birthday! We're going to have rootbeer cake and Mexican food! I can't wait. Pikachu's birthday is April 16.

20 February 2007

1489279 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 311

We took 4853 steps today. Nothing new happened today.

19 February 2007

1484426 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 310

We took 2279 steps today. Today I got a Manafi pet which is kind of like a PP but Japanese and it doesn't coun't your steps.

1484426 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 310

We took 2279 steps today. Today I got a Manafi pet which is kind of like a PP but Japanese and it doesn't coun't your steps.

18 February 2007

1482147 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 309

We took 1941 steps today.

17 February 2007

1480206 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 308

We took 4730 steps today. We had fun today.

16 February 2007

1475476 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 307

We took 2500 steps today. Nothing much happened, I got a ROKR (unlocked so I can still get the iPhone) for an eary birthday gift. I'm off for the next two weeks and we're going to Florida so I have an ample amount of time to spend with Pikachu.

15 February 2007

1472976 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 306

We took 1411 steps today. We were just jumping around and having fun today.

14 February 2007

1471565 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 305

We took 2421 steps today. Pikachu and I had fun together today. It was a snow day so I got to stay home and when I woke up at like 9a, I said Happy Valentine's Day to Pikachu in the shower, he got m-a-d! The Ditto came. Later we watched fireworks, that was pretty much it, I played in the snow, but he couldn't. He's too little.

13 February 2007

1469144 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 304

We took 2010 steps today. (My graduating year.) Nothing much happened, but, a Ditto tricked me into thinking it was Pikachu! Silly!

Happy Valentines Day!
http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dpffa/dpffa238.pnghttp://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dpffa/dpffa124.pngThe image “http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dpffa/dpffa370.png” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

12 February 2007

1467134 - Best Pals - ;d - Day 303

We took 1155 steps today. Nothing much happened.

11 February 2007

1465979 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 302

We took 3039 steps today.

10 February 2007

1462940 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 301

We took 3948 steps today. Nothing new happened today.

09 February 2007

1458992 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 300!!!!!!

We took 4181 steps today. DAY 300!!!!!!!! Today Pikachu and I went to a Hartford Wolfpack hockey game, but when I checked on him he was asleep already.

08 February 2007

1454811 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 299

We took 2872 steps today. Tomorrow is day 300 and today is 14 days until my birthday.

07 February 2007

1451939 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 298

We took 3141 steps today. We listened to the radio together.

06 February 2007

1448798 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 297

We took 2641 steps today.

05 February 2007

1446157 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 296

We took 214 steps today. Had a bad day, Pikachu cheered me up.

04 February 2007

1445943 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 295

We took 4955 steps today. Had a happy HD Superbowl. Drive safely. Found out that one pair of pants I have actually affects step-count, so I fixed it.

03 February 2007


We took 2145 steps today. Nothing new--Pikachu's first HD-Superbowl though.

02 February 2007

1438843 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 293

We took 2522 steps today.

01 February 2007

1436321 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 292

We took 1596 steps today.