31 January 2007

1434725 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 291

We took 1051 steps today. I would play with Pikachu more but I'm having problems in school and a lot of work.

30 January 2007

1433674 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 290

We took 1392 steps today.

29 January 2007

1432282 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 289

We took 1939 steps today. I still have twenty days to decide, but as of right now I will be bringing Pikachu to Florida.

28 January 2007

1430343 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 288

We took 3731 steps today. Pikachu and I were just hanging out today, I watched him swing.

27 January 2007

1426612Best Pals -:d - Day 287 -

We took 2498 steps today.

26 January 2007

1424114 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 286

We took 2007 steps today. It's just a coincidence that I took 2007 steps. By the way, I've been very sick for the past two weeks and I still am.

25 January 2007

1422107 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 285

We took 1866 steps today.

24 January 2007

1420241 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 284

We took 4533 steps today.

23 January 2007

1415702 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 283

We took 1283 steps today.

22 January 2007

1414419 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 282

We took 2114 steps today. Just sick and off-beat, forgetting things.

21 January 2007

1412305 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 281

We took 7378 steps today. Being sick sucks, thinking of changing my look. Nothing new with Pikachu.

20 January 2007

1404927 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 280

We took 5451 steps today. Busy busy busy. Just putting all the Christmas stuff away.

19 January 2007

1399476 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 279

We took 4264 steps today. Pikachu went to School today! Yes, I had my last midterm exam today for two hours so I'd be home at ten. So, I thought about it and I went up stairs and got him. I turned off his sound and attached him to a belt loop in my pants so he couldn't fall. So we took the midterm together and went home. Also, it snowed, but it all melted by the afternoon so this wasn't Pikachu's official first snow.

18 January 2007

1395212 - Best Pals - :D - Day 278

We took 1805 steps today.

17 January 2007

1393407 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 277

We took 2049 steps today.

16 January 2007

1391358 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 276

We took 349 steps today. What can I say? Midterms!

15 January 2007

1391009 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 275

We took 1474 steps today. I have midterms tomorrow and I'm scared, but I get home at noon and my sister doesn't all week! On Friday I get home at 10!

14 January 2007

1389535 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 274

We took 3471 steps today. Nothing special happened today.

13 January 2007

1386064 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 273

We took 3600 steps today. Pikachu got hit in the haed with a PokéBall while watching TV.

12 January 2007

1382464 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 272

We took 1458 steps today. "I'm sorry Pikachu, I've benn very busy."

11 January 2007

1381006 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 271

We took 4565 steps today.

10 January 2007

1376440 - Best Apls - ;D - Day 270

We took 4262 steps today.

09 January 2007

1372178 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 269

We took 1730 steps today.

08 January 2007

1370447 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 268

We took 4210 steps today.

07 January 2007

1366237 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 267

I took 4757 steps today. I'm gonna change the template post to We took _ steps today. Other wise nothing much happened.

06 January 2007

1361480 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 266

I took 6208 steps today. Today I saw Pikachu play American Football, or as normal people like me call it, soccer.

05 January 2007

1355272 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 265

I took 6856 steps today. I think Pikachu caught PokéRUS, I told him not to lick that stop sign!

04 January 2007

1348416 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 264

I took 1166 steps today. Tired, midterms coming up, no time.

03 January 2007

1347250 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 263

I took 2984 steps today. Huh, course selection stinks!

02 January 2007

1344266 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 262

I took 1871 steps today. Pikachu was so happy when I returned home from school! You should have seen the look on his face!

01 January 2007

1342395 - Best Pals - ;D - Day 261

I took 5466 steps today. Both Pikachu and I are sad that I will have to go back to school tomorrow.

YESTERDAY: 1337080(-) - Best Pals - ;D - Day 160

YESTERDAY, I took 8377 steps today. HAPPY NEW YEAR!