31 May 2006

257547 - Best Pals - ;D

I took 7233 steps today. Tomorrow Pikachu and i are going to see the Loin King in Hartford. I told him he needs to be quite. Anyways, I'll be able to update the News sites, but because this site has to be done when I stop walking, I'll just do it in the morning of the next day, Friday.

30 May 2006

250314 - Best Pals - ;D

I took 4023 steps today. Sick, studying.

29 May 2006

246291 - Best Pals - ;D

I took 9266 steps today.

28 May 2006

237025 - Best Pals - ;D

I took 8044 steps today. Pikachu and I are going to see a memorial day parede tomorrow at 9a. Then play around with my half-sister.


-1 Days
7584 Step
Day: 43
Not Determined

-2 Days
5011 Step
Day: 43
Not Determined

-3 Days
3543 Step
Day: 43
Not Determined

-4 Days
4148 Step
Day: 43
Not Determined

-5 Days
2479 Step
Day: 43
Not Determined

-6 Days
3399 Step
Day: 43
Not Determined

-7 Days
8707 Step
Day: 43
Not Determined

27 May 2006

228981 - Best Pals - ;D

I took 7584 steps today. Grilled today. Forgot to vacume. Toenail fell off. Pikachu has scratches all over him, must be my pants.

26 May 2006

221397 - Best Pals - ;D

I took 5011 steps today. I've been neglecting Pikachu lately, so this Memorial Day weekend I will spwn hours with him. Shh! He. Is. SLEEPING!

25 May 2006

216386 - Best Pals - ;D

I took 3543 steps today. Nothing happened.

24 May 2006

212843 - Best Pals - ♪;D ♫

I took 4148 steps today. Today was fun, I gave Pikachu 999 wts and we're now Best Pals! He also played in the sand and soccer. Quite an active one, he also has good oral care, he bruses his teeth for hours. It comes in handy when he needs to bite a Ketchup bottle or Ash, like in the first Hoenn episode. That silly Pikachu, always doing something. I'm still deciding if durring the summer I'll bring him to Maine and the other, undecided anual summer trip. Shout at 'cha l8r, JR.

23 May 2006

208695 - Friends - ;D

I took 2479 steps today.

22 May 2006

206216 - Friends - ;D

I took 3399 steps today.

21 May 2006


-1 Days (Saturday)
10875 Step
Day: 36
202817 Stp

-2 Days (Friday)
2664 Step
Day: 36
202817 Stp

-3 Days (Thursday)
2214 Step
Day: 36
202817 Stp

-4 Days (Wednesday)
4369 Step
Day: 36
202817 Stp

-5 Days (Tuesday)
3035 Step
Day: 36
202817 Stp

-6 Days (Monday)
4806 Step
Day: 36
202817 Stp

-7 Days (Sunday)
6024 Step
Day: 36
202817 Stp

202817 - Friends - ;D

I took 8707 steps today.

20 May 2006

194110 - Friends - ;D

I took 10875 steps today. Mar De la Lechuga, I want to Costco® and got a Kirkland grill that woudn't fit in our car, played Kameo, and messed up JRBfree!, taht was my day.

19 May 2006

183235 -Firends - ;D

I took 2664 steps today.

18 May 2006

180571 - Friends - ;D

I took 2214 steps today.

17 May 2006

178357 - Friends - ;D

I took 4369 steps today.

16 May 2006

173988 - Friends - ;D

I took 3035 steps today. There is a blast of news today.

173988 - Friends - ;D

I took 3035 steps today. There is a blast of news today.

15 May 2006


-1 Days (Sunday)
6042 Step
Day: 30
170953 Stp

-2 Days (Saturday)
11485 Step
Day: 30
170953 Stp

-3 Days (Friday)
3082 Step
Day: 30
170953 Stp

-4 Days (Thursday)
2920 Step
Day: 30
170953 Stp

-5 Days (Wednesday)
4806 Step
Day: 30
170953 Stp

-6 Days (Tuesday)
1443 Step
Day: 30
170953 Stp

-7 Days (Monday)
3888 Step
Day: 30
170953 Stp

170953 - Friends - ;D

I took 4806 steps today.

14 May 2006

166147 - Friends - ;D

I took 6042 steps today.

13 May 2006

160105 - Friends - ;D

I took 11485 steps today.

12 May 2006

148620 - Friends - ;D

I took 3082 steps today. That's all you need to know.

11 May 2006

145538 - Friends - ;D

I took 2920 steps today. Watched E3.

10 May 2006

142618 - Friends - ;D

I took 4806 steps today. Came home from school at 1:20 watched E3, went to RR, watched E3, here, doing this.

09 May 2006

137812 - Friends - ;D

I took 1443 steps today. Sick, still, duh.

08 May 2006


-1 Days (Sunday)
9890 Step
Day: 23
136369 Stp

-2 Days (Saturday)
6392 Step
Day: 23
136369 Stp

-3 Days (Friday)
482 Step
Day: 23
136369 Stp

-4 Days (Thursday)
4462 Step
Day: 23
136369 Stp

-5 Days (Wednesday)
2797 Step
Day: 23
136369 Stp

-6 Days (Tuesday)
3142 Step
Day: 23
136369 Stp

-7 Days (Monday)
3170 Step
Day: 23
136369 Stp

136369 - Friends - ;D

I took 3888 steps today. Sick.

07 May 2006

132480 - Friends - ;D

I took 9889 steps today, before 5 o'clock. I went to the gym and after that i hate to say it, but I foregot about him. I went to some stores and both my half- brother and sister came over, I didn'tplay outside though, I have allergies. Do people that live in places with flowers and pollen year round even get allergies?

06 May 2006

122591 -Friends - ;D

I took 6392 steps today. Still have a head-cold, went to B&N, went out for dinner, watched the season finale og Ghost Whisperer, we recomment it for late night viewings although there will be no more new episodes until October. Andrea died :'(.

05 May 2006

116199 - Friends - ;D

I took 482 steps today while I had PP. Yes, not a mistake, it is four hundred eighty-two. First, I had a sunburn, I couldn't do anything. Then from 7p to 10p I had a 50s Sock Hop, if I brought PP there he would get list. Now I'm back hime, with a burn.

04 May 2006

115717 - Friends - ;D

I took 4462 steps today. Sunbuned, and sick.

03 May 2006

111255 - Friends - ;D

I took 2797 steps today. Came hime, played with Pikachu, wanted to go to Costco, ate a nasty dinner, watched Amaizing Race 9, blogged about my boring day. (Notice of Note: JRBnet of Trii doesn't support any television network or program any more, not even Pokémon USA's Pokémon Advance Battle.)


-1 Days (Tuesday)
3142 Step
Day: 18
110976+ (not final)Stp

-2 Days (Monday)
3170 Step
Day: 18
110976+ (not final)Stp

-3 Days (Sunday)
12294 Step
Day: 18
110976+ (not final)Stp

-4 Days (Saturday)
9091 Step
Day: 18
110976+ (not final)Stp

-5 Days (Friday)
5293 Step
Day: 18
110976+ (not final)Stp

-6 Days (Thursday)
4260 Step
Day: 18
110976+ (not final)Stp

-7 Days (Wednesday)
3522 Step
Day: 18
110976+ (not final)Stp

-8 Days (Tuesday)
3792 Step
Day: 18
110976+ (not final)Stp

02 May 2006

108458 - Firend - ;D

I took 3142 steps today. Lettuce sea, today in school, the seventh grade phisical education class get step-o-meters, they kept calling them speedometers. They were the fifty cent kind that you get in Happy McMeal, shaped like a heart. They were chep and kept burning out, cracking open and people were just shaking it. Well, those loosers will never have a, Poket Pikachu!

01 May 2006

105316 - Friends - ;D

I took 3170 steps today. I gave Pikachu tons of watts today, like 9998 watts, I think, then we wrote more letters to Pokémon USA. Pikachu actually did a pull up after the watts, and when fishing, he caught a can, later he drank a soda, how mysterious of where he obtained that beverage, intriguing.

U Suck Pokémon USA! We like Japan better anyways!

I took _ steps today.Just recieved an email message from the one and only Veronica Taylor (Ash's and May's voice actor on the Pokémon series) who just came across some interesting info regarding the next season of the Pokémon anime. Appearently, Cartoon Network is talking with Pokémon USA to accquire the series next season. Save the Voice Actors and Pokemon DubShe, and others who saw and hated the special aired last saturday, have grave concerns regarding the production and airing of this unacceptable remake of our favorite show.

To show how you feel about the sub-standard performance of the cast last Saturday, Veronica suggests you email the CN execs your concerns:
I have just received information that needs to get out to as many people as possible right away. If it's not too much trouble, could you forward this? Thanks!!!!

Veronica Taylor
9:57 am (20 minutes ago)
Here is the email and some addresses you can forward. please sign your own name to it as well.
At this moment Cartoon Network is talking with Pokémon USA and Nintendo about negotiating a deal for next season. Whether they know that the show they potentially acquire is a very badly done 'fake' is unknown. We need as many people as possible to flood them with emails letting them know that the 'special' we all saw on Saturday was beyond unacceptable. The actors, other than being lackluster and unable to fit the flap, lacked any emotion or character. The script was amateurish and flat. There was no direction. The Pokemon themselves all sounded incredibly different from the original show and video games. It was more violent than any other Pokemon episode has ever been. It was in no way up to the standards which have been set over the past eight years by 4kids, Nintendo and the WB. Are we all expected to simply sit by as Pokémon USA lies to everyone, saying the show will be "exactly the same", even though they have replaced every single element? We have now seen, through the fiasco which was the 10th anniversary special, that this is far from the truth. Please send emails immediately to the two executives at Turner Network (below) and warn them before they make a mistake they will certainly regret for a very long time. Bring Pokemon back to 4kids before it's too late.
Thank you in advance!
Forward your Email to:

